March 7, 2012

Thematic Illustration, Senior Show WIP and the Race to (hopefully) Graduation.

So, what have I been up to? Let me show you! Currently, it is Spring Break, which I am using to get my work DONE!

This disaster zone is my bedroom in it's current state. It's a lovely place, and luckily no Gnomes or Pixies have decided to take up residence!

Here is a WIP picture of the largest piece I'm working on for Senior Show. It's titled Purity. I've made good headway since the beginning of break, but I've still got a good ways to go! Picture also blew out some of the colors, so just imagine its a bit neutrals down and thats how it REALLY looks!

Detail shot from Purity

The second piece I'm working on for senior show. This ones started out a bit chaotic, which I like, but now I'm working on restraining in the colors and values into something readable.  This one is titled Mercy.

Here's a picture of my current work load, to be finished within the next month and a half. Pray I get it done and end up sane! I only have paint on 4 of them currently, and its 11 total paintings. Guess why I don't post super often!

So, heres a list, for you, but mostly for me, of things to do so I can graduate.

Finish all eleven paintings.
Sign up, study, Take, pass and pay for 3 separate CLEP tests.
Start/Finish a Stiles Art History paper.
Find out What I'm doing with my life Post-Graduation, including where I'm moving to, jobs, where I can get a car with my income(practically nothing).
And anythings else I've forgotten. Im sure there is something.

So. That's my current situation. I'd appreciate any prayer, or a friendly phone call/FB message/tweet. 
Thanks for stopping by and taking a look at my work!

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