This is it. Here and now, I, Joshua David Johanson, born June 20, 1990, declare that I no longer will compare myself to other artists, constantly checking up on their lives, their accomplishments and artwork, and will focus more completely on my own work and studies.
Run on sentence or not, I mean it. I've found myself in a slump over the past two years, where I consistently find myself checking up on other artists, and not checking up on myself. I neglect my own work and study, and have paid dearly for it.
No Longer.
I dedicate this day and every day from now to working on my own artwork, and not keeping up with others. Sure, they may paint/draw/sketch/vector/see/make money better than me, but if I am completely focused on them, I will FOR SURE never get better, never succeed. In focusing on my own work, I know that with hard work, over time my skills will improve and I will get better. I declare my independence from others.
Now, onto better things than writing a blog post, I'm going to bed.
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