September 2, 2013

I did a bunch of little figures for a mobile game, which is set to launch this week. Here's a few of my favorites.

I also created the logo for the game.

Overall is was a great learning experience, and I'm excited to work on more games with these guys.
I'll post the link when it's officially up.

August 13, 2013

Lunch Doodle: Jungle

Loving these fast and loose studies. Learning more and more about layer and file organization to help speed up and organize my work. Loving these brushes too, i'm getting so much rich texture from them.

I think I need to do a few longer studies like these. A 30 minute lunch deadline make me think of how to simply and "cheaply" get effects, but I need to really study how to make something look like a rock, or water cascading over boulders. Still fun.

August 12, 2013

Lunch Sketch: Forest doodle.

Realized I need to know more about landscapes to help shape my images. So here's a lunch doodle of a nice forest.

July 21, 2013

Old sketches and news!

I know I've been a slow poster recently, but now I've got a new phone and camera I can actually take good pics of my drawings.  Also, I'm working on a project that I can't post stuff of right now (NDA!). But here in about a month I Can post them, so keep an eye out :).

More big news! I bought a cintiq 13hd!! 

Unfortunately it's on 8 weeks back order, so I won't get it till AFTER Illuxcon! Grumble grumble...

May 19, 2013

2 Space Wizards Sketches.

She's a combat psychic used for comms, he's an artificer in charge of magical artifact construction, maintenance and repair, including the units HeavyBot. I'm still working on the direction of the bot, whether to go more mechanical, or magical construct-y. Also, the name sucks. We'll see, but I'm enjoying the doodles so far. 

April 25, 2013


I'm a big Game of Thrones fan. I've read all the books, and am up to date on the show. Here's a little Khaleesi for you (one of my favorite characters).

I need to stop drawing just straight on faces. I need to fix that and get some profiles and twisty angles in.

March 18, 2013

Ms. Marigold

So. Another New Project. More Josh, REALLY? 

Well, we'll see. But for now, at least I'm working on SOMETHING, right?

So: I had this idea to do a book in a weekend. That failed. Things came up, friends wanted to hang out, yadda yadda... So I said maybe a book in a week. Not sure about that. I really like this book, and decided to go ahead and actually try and do a good job of it. I'm not sure how long it'll take, but it WILL be finished. I hope. 

It's a book about Evil Librarians, from the POV of a kid growing up and exploring the library. He(or she?) finds some weird stuff and some even weirder people.

Click the image to see larger resolution(and be able to read the text).

March 13, 2013

Art Order Dragon Contest

This is the quick Digital color I threw together to be able to submit it to the contest while looking passable. I've already gone back in and tweaked a few drawing things, and plan on watercoloring it soon as well. Having a deadline is a driving force, but I like the freedom outside of it as well. Thank goodness it's just personal work.

Also, I have a new piece for my storybook coming up. I'm really enjoying the drawing so far.
Hint: It's a cavewoman, and may include some dinosaurs.....


Here's a self portait I did the other day for a Facebook Profile Image. I actually completely re-drew and re-painted this 3 times before coming to a process that I both enjoyed and liked the final product of. I have such a hard time drawing digitally, and I haven't bit my flow with digital painting either. This is a step in the right direction at least.

Also, slapping a texture over it at the end FTW, even though it's not as tasteful as it could be.

February 18, 2013

Lunch Doodle: Nature Stuff

Another Lunch Doodle. Nothing Special, just experimenting with style and a cool custom brush. Wish I had something with a bit more substance to it, but for now this is what i've got. I'm working on a dragon piece for the current ArtOrder Challenge. I'll pos that once it's done.

February 15, 2013

Self Portrait

Todays Lunch doodle is a self portrait. I've been obsessed with Pixar/Dreamworks concept art and behind the scenes stuff. It's all digital, but with oodles of texture, so I've been trying to figure out how to to that. This is the start of some wonderful things.

February 13, 2013

Lunch Doodle: Zelda Edition

I'm playing through Skyward Sword for the first time, and this Zelda is my favorite of all the Zeldas. Also, the game just goes to prove that high-poly, super-textured things aren't required for amazing graphics. The game is beautiful.

February 11, 2013

Crash Landing

Here's the final version of the Beginning of a Story I plan on doing, involving giant lizards, spacers and of course, and Alien Planet.

February 8, 2013

Lunch Doodle 2/8/13

Another quickie. lunch isn't the easiest time to make doodles, I feel too rushed. Especially with digital. Maybe next time i'll put something on paper and scan it in.. Hmm.

February 2, 2013

Unboxxy Fun

Doing some experiments with 3d. I did this excited little box as some UV unwrapping and animation practice. Simple, but fun. Made in about 40 minutes using Blender and PS.

January 31, 2013

Story Preview

Quick little preview of a story I've been dreaming up. Expect the full short in a few days.

January 27, 2013

New Piece: Discovered!

I'm calling this piece finished. It has some things that would make it better, and more successful, but I need to move on to other projects.

All in all this was a great learning experience. This is the first time I used watercolors, then digitally worked over them. I really enjoyed this process, and will continue to experiment with it in the near future, especially with the way I do pencils beforehand.