September 2, 2013

I did a bunch of little figures for a mobile game, which is set to launch this week. Here's a few of my favorites.

I also created the logo for the game.

Overall is was a great learning experience, and I'm excited to work on more games with these guys.
I'll post the link when it's officially up.

August 13, 2013

Lunch Doodle: Jungle

Loving these fast and loose studies. Learning more and more about layer and file organization to help speed up and organize my work. Loving these brushes too, i'm getting so much rich texture from them.

I think I need to do a few longer studies like these. A 30 minute lunch deadline make me think of how to simply and "cheaply" get effects, but I need to really study how to make something look like a rock, or water cascading over boulders. Still fun.

August 12, 2013

Lunch Sketch: Forest doodle.

Realized I need to know more about landscapes to help shape my images. So here's a lunch doodle of a nice forest.

July 21, 2013

Old sketches and news!

I know I've been a slow poster recently, but now I've got a new phone and camera I can actually take good pics of my drawings.  Also, I'm working on a project that I can't post stuff of right now (NDA!). But here in about a month I Can post them, so keep an eye out :).

More big news! I bought a cintiq 13hd!! 

Unfortunately it's on 8 weeks back order, so I won't get it till AFTER Illuxcon! Grumble grumble...

May 19, 2013

2 Space Wizards Sketches.

She's a combat psychic used for comms, he's an artificer in charge of magical artifact construction, maintenance and repair, including the units HeavyBot. I'm still working on the direction of the bot, whether to go more mechanical, or magical construct-y. Also, the name sucks. We'll see, but I'm enjoying the doodles so far.